Health Knowledge Popularization: Breast Health Knowledge

Health Knowledge Popularization: Breast Health Knowledge


Breast tumors are one of the most common malignancies among women in daily life, occurring more frequently in women aged 35 to 55. Currently, the incidence of breast tumors is increasing year by year, posing a serious threat to women's physical and mental health! Therefore, attention should be paid to breast health to prevent the occurrence of breast tumors!

I. What aspects does breast health include?

  1. Pay attention to breast care in daily life, observe daily routines and dietary habits, maintain a light diet, avoid stimulating foods, refrain from smoking and drinking, maintain regular routines, avoid staying up late, avoid physical exhaustion, pay attention to daily sitting and walking posture, reduce stimulation to the breasts, and lower the probability of breast lesions.

  2. Conduct regular breast examinations to screen and prevent breast diseases. Generally, breast ultrasound and mammography are used for routine breast examinations. Through regular breast examinations, nodular changes in the breast can be detected early, and information such as the size, shape, internal structure, hardness, and adhesion of surrounding tissues of the nodules can be analyzed, and then the nature of the lesions in patients can be determined. Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of breast lesions.

II. How to perform breast self-examination in daily life?

Breast self-examination can be done through visual inspection, palpation, etc. in daily life.

  1. Visual inspection: Women sit or stand, hands hanging down, observe whether the appearance of both breasts is symmetrical, whether the color is normal, whether there is local redness, swelling, indentation, or ulceration of the skin, whether the nipples are deformed, whether there is nipple retraction, etc.

  2. Palpation: Use the fingertips to gently press and slide the left breast in a circular clockwise direction to check for the presence of lumps in the breast, then use the same method to examine the right breast.

Persistently conducting self-examination of the breasts contributes to the prevention of breast diseases. If there are changes in the skin resembling orange peel or abnormal breast masses are felt, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly, clarify the cause under the guidance of a physician, and receive targeted treatment.